

The Asian Pacific Probation Association (APPA) was founded in 1992. The primary focus of this organization is to provide employees (sworn and civilian personnel) of the Los Angeles County Probation Department a vehicle for the unified expression of opinion and positions on matters of concern within the department. For thirty years, Asian Pacific Probation Association (APPA) has worked tirelessly to chip away the barriers and misunderstanding that have labeled and surrounded the Asians and Pacific Islander workforce in the Los Angeles County Probation Department; we have made great strides on gaining access to equal playing field standing along sides with other minority groups that had similar challenges on their journey. Although there is still plenty of room for improvement and growth, the impact of APPA’s community involvement and the increasing outreach to API college interns to the correctional field is significant. We are proud to be part of this efforts and perhaps one day to pass on this torch to the next generation of API leader

APPA’s mission is to encourage and promotes the professional growth of its member, serves the Asian Pacific Islander (API) as well as other minority groups, and fosters the exchange of idea, information, and diversity among its members and the public. APPA also uses it resource to training, recruitment, appointment, and promotion for API in the field of correction and law enforcement. The purpose of the Association is also to provide API Probation employees a voice and most importantly to groom the next generation of API Professionals to become leader in the Los Angeles County Probation Department.


The outbreak of COVID-19 fueled widespread fear in many communities. To make the matter worse was the rapid spread of misinformation. Throughout the pandemic, the Asian American and Pacific Islanders were being targeted from verbal to physical attacks, causing all Asian Americans to feel unsafe and unwelcome in their own country. As of August 2021, more than 9,000 anti-Asian incidents had been reported according to the AAPI Hate. The U.S. Department of Education reports that AAPI students already suffer from classroom bullying at higher rates than any other race or ethnicity. As a result of COVID-19 related hysteria, there has been an increase in anti-Asian bullying in schools around the country.